Collection number Character Location Available services
#1 Sun Tan Specialist West of the Reclaimed Village landmark
    • Provides Patch Up service (100 gold bars)
    • Available for hire as a Medic Specialist (250 gold bars)


#2 Metal Mouth The Cemetary landmark
    • Sells Cluster Clingers (200 gold bars)
    • Available for hire as a Heavy Specialist (gold bars)


#3 Vengeance Jones Underground HQ landmark
    • Sells Cluster Clingers (200 gold bars)
    • Activates Prop Disguise (50 gold bars)


#4 Hope Hazy Hillside
    • Sells Grapple Blade (400 gold bars)
    • Activates Rift to Go (250 gold bars)


#5 Snow Striker Summit Base Camp landmark
    • Sells Heavy ammo (6 gold bars)
    • Available for hire as a Scout Specialist (250 gold bars)


#6 Steelsight Rebel's Roost
    • Sells Grapple Blade (400 gold bars)
    • Available for hire as a Supply Specialist (200 gold bars)


#7 Contract Giller North of Classy Courts
    • Activates Rift to Go (250 gold bars)
    • Available for hire (250 gold bars)


#8 Mecha Team Shadow Riviera Station landmark
    • Sells Shield Potion (125 gold bars)
    • Available for hire as a Heavy Specialist (200 gold bars)


#9 Leelah Stormy Station landmark
    • Sells Crash Pad Jr (150 gold bars)
    • Activates Rift to Go (250 gold bars)


#10 Boxy The Other Other Windmill landmark
    • Sells Med Kit (125 gold bars)
    • Sells FlowBerry Fizz (150 gold bars)


#11 Starr Oakley West of Unmoored Manor landmark
    • Provides Patch Up service (100 gold bars)
    • Sells Shockwave Grenades (250 gold bars)


#12 Dara Lil' Villa landmark
    • Sells Shield Break EMP (150 gold bars)
    • Available for hire as a Medic Specialist (250 gold bars)


#13 Silas Hesk Ruined Reels
    • Sells Shield Potion (125 gold bars)
    • Activates Prop Disguise (50 gold bars)


#14 Solid Snake Northwest of the Cloistered Castle landmark
    • Sells EMP Stealth Camo (100 gold bars)
    • Sells Cardboard Box (100 gold bars)
    • Available for hire as a Scout Specialist (250 gold bars)


#15 April O'Neil Rescue Station landmark
  • Sells Shockwave Grenade (250 gold bars)
  • Sells Bandages (125 gold bars)
  • Sells Small Shield Potions (150 gold bars)